Troop 1776 had their first online troop meeting. The next meeting will be held Thursday April 16th at 6pm. Watch for the Zoom link to join.
Social distancing patch
Tod Hadley is the “counselor” for the Social Distancing Patch. You can find the requirements here. Remember that this is not a merit badge but fun patch to earn. Email Tod when you have completed the requirements for the patch. His email address is:
Robotics merit badge
A big thanks to Ethan for sharing information about the Robotics merit badge and to his Dad, Mark, for volunteering as the merit badge counselors: The link to Robotics Merit Badge Study Guide is:
Mark Hobson, Ethan’s Dad, is a Robotics Merit Badge Counselor. His contact information
Merit badges
There are a lot of merit badge that can be done inside or on-line. Look through the merit badges and decide which ones are interesting you. Link to Merit Badge list page is:
Contact a scoutmaster to get a list of merit badge counselors for the merit badges that you are interested in.