Discussed finances and growth. First committee meeting with both boys’ and girls’ leadership. New financial person selected.
Met February 19 at the Brio Energy (Now Avolta) space.
Combined troops
Since Troop 1776 is now linked with a girls’ troop, it was noted that the website and Facebook page needs to be updated. Heather (serving as secretary/webmaster) mentioned that there needs to be a Scout from the girls’ troop that should be a webmaster that posts content for the girls.
There was a discussion about the troop’s finances. It’s estimated that the troop needs about 8000 dollars a year to operate. Various fundraisers were discussed, including handling hot dogs for RC Willeys. The committee determined that we should participate in the district’s jerky sales.
Since Alissa is moving out of the area, Denise Crismon volunteered to be the treasurer. We will need to find someone to take training, since Denise was previously in charge of training.
A decision was made that Brio (Avolta) will not pay for all of a Scout’s yearly registration. It was found that some Scouts registered, then dropped out. In order to avoid this scenario, Scouts will have to pay part of their registration.
Training and Advancement
All committee members were encouraged to got to and make sure that they have the proper training. It was noted that all adult leaders should do youth protection training every two years.
We need more people to help support our Advancement chair. He spoke about the reason why we have awards. These awards, including Eagle, help our Scouts learn to communicate with others. This is why we don’t have the Scout pass all of their merit badges off to the Scoutmaster. It’s difficult for a 12 year old to speak to an adult. However, by the time the Eagle is earned, the Scout has had experience directing and communicating with adults.
The troop plans on participating in Scouting for Food and volunteering at the Food and Care Coalition. The official date for Scouting for Food conflicted with the annual Klondike campout, so the troop chose to gather food and meet at the Coalition on February 18th.
Reports on troop activity
Scoutmasters Hal and Michelle reported about this year’s Klondike. The boys camped on top of the hill and the girls camped at the bottom of the hill. The girls took third place overall in the competition!
The troop was also planning on attending the Hutchings museum in Lehi. Since the admission was such a low cost, the committee determined that each Scout should pay for their own admission.
Future plans
The troop plans on working on Aviation for March, with a planned trip to the Provo Airport and campout on Hill Airforce Base.
In the spring, we’ll be working on Horsemanship. If anyone has contacts with someone that has horses that we can use, please contact the scoutmasters.
The committee discussed growth for the troop. Cub Scout Pack 2019 is associated with our troop. However, they haven’t been feeding Scouts into our troop. The District’s key three want us to start up a new pack. Ideally we should have two packs feeding into one troop.
There was discussion about starting a new cub pack. Scoutmaster Michelle pointed out that no one at the committee meeting has the time to take the leadership of a new pack.
Next committee meeting
This last committee meeting was very well attended. There was discussion as to the best day, time, and place to hold committee meetings. Scoutmaster Tareq mentioned that the President of Brio (Avolta) Energy would like to attend some of our committee meetings. It was decided to hold committee meetings at Brio after regular Scout meeting. The idea is that we keep committee meetings short to avoid keeping Scouts out late.
The next committee meeting will be held March 11.