Summary: Talked about the upcoming beef jerky fundraiser and spring activities.
Jerky fundraiser
Scoutmaster Tareq has been coordinating for the beef jerky fundraiser. He asks for any assistance in locating stores to sell in front of or any out of the box ideas to sell the jerky. Scoutmaster Brendan has secured some locations. Here are the options for selling:
- Scoutmaster Brendan has secured us spots at the Lindon and the Orem Walmarts. Scoutmaster Michelle reminded us that we can only do 8 hours of selling total at each location. (Walmart policy)
- Home Depot wants people with food handlers permits to be able to sell at their location. There were Scouts and leaders that had food handlers permits, so we’ll check to see if that is sufficient.
- Lowe’s wants someone at the council level to approach them before they’ll commit. We discussed the possibility of having Scoutmaster Hal or Terry Richardson speak to them.
- Scouts can also sell door to door. We will have the jerky when we are selling; the Scouts don’t need to take orders. If they wear their uniform, they should get a good response.
- Scouts and families are welcome to promote this online, and collect sales from friends and relatives. If we sell to anyone outside the area, they will have to pay to ship to them.
- We discussed perhaps setting up a GoFundMe for people to contribute to the purchase of jerky for the food bank. This allows people who want to contribute, but can’t/don’t want jerky. Tod and Heather will research this option.
We will be selling at stores every Saturday in April. There is a campout in April, but Scouts that don’t want to go to that campout can use that opportunity to sell. Any Scout that wants to sell at a store must have a parent with them; this will ensure that we have the proper adult leadership.
We are bringing in a lot of jerky to sell. For a Scout to be able to receive credit for the fundraiser, they must participate in the fundraiser. We discussed the need to make a big push for this fundraiser. Currently we can collect funds via Venmo, cash, or check. Research will be done on how to take credit cards (such as using the Square).
The fundraiser will end at the end of May.
Scouting events
We had a successful meeting with pilots coming and discussing their careers. One of the pilots pulled Scoutmaster Hal aside and complimented him on the behavior of the troop.
We’ve got a busy March and April planned. Next week, we’ll be meeting at Provo airport for a tour, and on the 26 and 27th, we’ll be having a campout on Antelope Island with a visit to Hill Air Force base.
In April, we’ll be working on Horsemanship. One of our Scout meetings will be held down in Payson, working with the horses. There will be no troop meeting on April 8th, due to spring break.
A potential service project was discussed, where the Scouts would install solar path lighting at a park in conjunction with Avolta.
May is Physical Fitness. The committee discussed the possibility of having a family campout in May. If we were to do a family campout, it would have to be either the first or third week of May, to avoid conflicts with Mother’s Day and Memorial Day/graduation.
Scoutmaster Michelle brought up that we should have a recruitment night in either April or May. She would set up a Facebook event to advertise. This would not be on regular meeting night, but a night where we could invite anyone who was interested. We could have different stations to do activities and demonstrations. The emphasis would be on fun.
Other committee news
Alissa has officially retired from the treasury position. All accounting information has been turned over to Denise.
The next committee meeting will be held April 15.