July 2021

July 8, 2021

Summary: Change to the finance committee, upcoming events, popcorn sales

Troop happenings

Scoutmaster Michelle and Scoutmaster Tareq reported on happenings for the troop. Troop G has been working the small boat sailing/kayak merit badge. Some girls will be working on this in September.

Before Troop G goes to Camp Loll, they will attend Bear World and Yellowstone Park.

Troop B had two great campouts: one at the Sand Dunes and one at a slot canyon in Great River State Park. There was danger of flash floods, but the troop proceeded with caution and the boys had fun.

There will be 18 boys attending Camp Loll. Three boys are going with the girls (they are brothers of the girl Scouts). The younger scouts will be working on merit badges and the older boys will be working on high adventure events.

Financial news

Jeff Cutler has accepted the role as the new finance chair for Troop 1776. Denise will serve on the finance committee.

Jeff gave a report on the troop finances. He reported that there is less than $1000 in working capital for the troop, because we need to have a $1000 cushion in the Wells Fargo account. The committee discussed the option of moving the account to a credit union without such a high minimum balance.

Rusty expressed the desire to relinquish the troop Venmo account. Jeff volunteered to set up a new Venmo account.


Mike Terry is the advancement chair, but he does not the time to serve. We need a different advancement chair. Heather has volunteered to help with the advancement, and Sarah has been managing advancement for Troop G. Scoutmaster Michelle will follow up with the council advancement chair. Relane Butler will be working with the advancement committee.

After Camp Loll, many Scouts will have earned advancements. To address this, we will have three board of reviews: July 20, 22, and 27th. The board of reviews will be at 7pm at the Avolta building.

Council information

Rusty reported on information from the council. The council announced that they are raising annual membership fees for Scouts. It will now be $72 for Scouts, $45 for adult volunteers, and $75 for a unit charter fee.

Rusty also discussed the popcorn sales. Popcorn sales start on August 4. This is the biggest single fundraiser that Scouts have — it’s the equivalent of Girl Scout cookies. We will need a popcorn captain. Scoutmaster Michelle proposed that the funds raised from the popcorn sales support the troop.

Relane Butler will serve as assistant Popcorn captain, but we will still need a Popcorn captain. Some potential names for this role was discussed. Tod will be contacting someone for this role.

Next committee meeting

The next committee meeting will be held Thursday August 12th, at the Avolta building after Scouts.