What should we expect with this troop?
Troop 1776 is Scout-led. This means that the Scouts plan the activities, and lead the troop. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters are in an advisory role.
I’ve heard that Scouts now accept girls. Is this a coed troop?
Troop 1776 is pleased to welcome girls to the troop, starting in January 2021.
What does this mean? Troop 1776 is a linked troop. Linked troops are two troops — one for boys and one for girls — that share a chartered organization and the same troop committee. Each troop has their own adult leadership. While there may be coordination between the troops with some activities, the two troops are separate.
For more information, see
How is this troop funded?
Our troop is funded by donations and fundraisers. Our goal is to have the Scout earn all of their funds and not have the parent pay for the Scouting experience out of pocket.
Does this troop serve Cub Scouts?
Our troop serves Scouts between the ages of 11 to 17. However, we eventually hope to partner with a local Cub Scout pack.
How can I get involved?
We’d love to have your help! Whether you serve in an official capacity on the committee, or just pitch in to help, we’d love to have you! Just talk to our Scoutmaster for ideas on where you can serve.
We’re new to the whole Eagle process. Where do we begin?
Check out this page on where to start! We’ll have an Eagle coach to help your Scout.
My Scout is almost done with their Eagle. Can they still join the troop?
Sure! They can join to finish up their requirements.
However, we hope they sticks around after earning their Eagle. You’ll find that a non-denominational troop like ours is have a lot of opportunities for fun and growth.
We turned in the Eagle paperwork and the council rejected it. What gives?
When troops in this area were chartered by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, there were a lot of Eagle applications that were rushed through. Many leaders were well-meaning, but not well-trained. Many Eagle applications that were submitted did not meet the national BSA standard for Eagle.
This year, the council has clarified their position and made some changes that should help your Scout on their path to Eagle. An Eagle coach will be assigned to your Scout before they comes up to the Eagle proposal board. And our committee chair can also advise your Scout.