Discussed activities, finances, and volunteering.
Scoutmaster Hal reported on the week camp at Camp Maple Dell. The boys had a great time and earned the Baden-Powell award.
The next campout is August 21-22. The troop is talking about going river rafting. The cost for that would be $25.
September’s theme is shooting.
Rusty has purchased a Troop 1776 flag and will donate it to the troop.
Kevin-No news on the COR front.
We were able to save money from camp food. The troop will use the funds to pay for advancement awards.
Financial report
Scoutmaster Keith talked about types of funds for a troop:
Troop funds: this is to be used for items that stay in the troop, such as canoes and equipment
Funds for rechartering – The chartering organization pays for rechartering, and each boy/leader pays for their own fees.
Kevin was tasked with asking the chartering organization to see if they can pay for boys’ fees, or at least the leaders’ fees.
Since many families have only had experience with LDS troops, they may not have known that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints covered much of these expenses. Some non-denominational troops charge dues. We need to work on fundraising so that we don’t have to charge dues.
Fundraising was discussed. Popcorn sales begin in the fall. We also talked about having a yard sale for fundraising. The date for the yard sale is September 5. This is the Saturday before Labor Day. Parents are encouraged to gather items for the yard sale.
Troop committee organization
Scoutmaster Hall talked about how we need to have more volunteers in order to run the troop. There will be a Key 3 meeting to discuss who would be good candidates for service and to extend the opportunity to serve to those candidates. The problems with recruiting volunteers is the cost of registering the volunteers and training the volunteers.
Partnership with Cub troop
We discussed the need to pair with a Cub Scout troop in the area, so that we can have a source for future Scouts. Tod suggested contacting Jim Lauret.